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Articles and Books

"Stages of Senior Care"
This book was written by Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hogan to guide readers through the process of providing care for their aging parents. It includes clear and practical advice on care options, the pros and cons of each, the relative costs, what to look for and avoid, paying for services, and how to deal with complications. Stages include checklists and diagnostics designed to help families make good, life-affecting decisions while confidently planning the best care for those they love most.


Independent Living

article on the Missouri DHSS website that talks about support services available to disabled and elderly wanting to live in their home independently.


Alzheimer's Caregiving and Parents

This article from is directed toward Alzheimer’s caregivers; however, the tips are applicable for any type of family caregiving.


Caregiving for Your Loved One with Cancer

This is a downloadable booklet from CancerCare that provides practical ways for caregivers to help patients, take care of themselves, and cope with the situation.



More about CDS

What is CDS? CDS is a Medicaid-sponsored program that provides personal care attendant (PCA) services to individuals with disabilities similar to in-home care, enabling them to live independently. Homestead Health Care, LLC provides administrative services and support to CDS Program Participants.


What does it mean to self-direct your care?

  • You are the employer

  • You can hire/fire your attendant.

  • You supervise the work being done.

  • You set the schedule.

  • You are in charge!


Why Consumer Directed Services?

  • You can hire someone you know and trust to be your attendant.

  • Training is provided to assist you with hiring, firing, and supervising attendants.

  • You are thoroughly trained in the program policies and procedures.

  • Homestead Health Care provides payroll for attendants and fiscal oversight.


Possible tasks your attendant can complete for you:

  • Grooming, bathing, toileting

  • Personal hygiene

  • Meal preparation, clean up

  • Housekeeping

  • Transportation


Individuals on Medicaid will need to meet Missouri Division of Senior and Disability Services (DSDS) requirements. DSDS will complete an assessment to determine the individual’s needs and forward a personalized care plan to our agency, Homestead Health Care, LLC. Once a care plan is received, WE will help you hire the appropriate attendant and begin services within 7 days.

All of our team members are screened by the Missouri Family Care Safety Registry and are insured and bonded. Homestead Health Care, LLC's CDS program offers continued training for attendants to ensure quality in-home care services. If you are in need of these services and would like to learn more about how we can help you please contact us right away.

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